P4VXASD2(V1.1A) (no longer for sale)
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What is the maximum CPU and HDD capacity supported on P4VXASD2 v1.1A?
P4VXASD2 v1.1A maximum CPU and HDD supported information as below,
HDD: 250G
CPU: Pentium 4 400Mhz FSB (256K/512K L2 cache) CPU – 2.6G.
Pentium 4 533Mhz FSB (512K L2 cache) CPU – 2.8G
Celeron 400Mhz FSB (128K L2 cache) CPU – 2.6G
P4VXASD2有可能支持Northwood CPU吗?
升级AMI BIOS V05/15/2002或更高版本能够支持 Northwood CPU.