What is the maximum CPU and HDD capacity supported on P4VXAS v1.1?
P4VXAS v1.1 maximum CPU and HDD supported information as below,
HDD: 250G
CPU: Pentium 4 400Mhz FSB (256K/512K L2 cache) CPU – 2.4G.
Celeron 400Mhz FSB (128K L2 cache) CPU – 1.8G
Two problem concern.There`s a big beeping sound during system boot up.Supposely, for S5 mode, power LED must be Off,but Legand Power LED is ON with S5 mode.
New bios V1.1 cound patch
CD 6.35VI , auto install icon is no function
CD 6.35VI only support 4 models. They are P4IBAS,P4IBMS,P4IBAS2,P4ITA2.
Install Window ME in Southbridge CD --- Change only M/B from CD to CE -- Re-Scan Sound Driver
We`ve found that`s because revision ID different. for CE version Offset 8 is 30H, for CD version, offset 8 is 10H.So far it`s a limitation.
Can you tell me if your P4VXAS and P4VXASD motherboards support SDRAM and DDR RAM with ECC?
Our P4VXAS and P4VXASD can support SDRAM, but not DDR RAM, because the hardware has only implemented ECC support for SDRAM.
Does P4VXAS V1.1 support USB2.0?
No, the P4VXAS V1.1 comes with VIA 8233 chip which supports USB 1.1 only.
Does P4VXAS V1.1 support 80GB HDD & higher?
Yes, the P4VXAS V1.1 supports hard drive capacity up to 160GB.
Does P4VXAS support AGP 8X?
No, the P4VXAS V1.1 supports AGP mode up to 4X (1.5V only). You can install an AGP 8X card on this MB but the card will run with AGP 4X mode.